Broken Tooth
How can a broken tooth be treated?
At Eric Heim Dental, we are able to treat broken teeth. Depending on how much of the tooth has broken would determine which treatment would be needed. If there was a small portion that broke, then we would likely be able to do a tooth colored filling. If a larger portion broke off including one of the cusps of your tooth then a crown would be advised. If a majority of your tooth broke off below the gum line then the tooth is likely non savable and will need to be extracted.
How does Eric Heim Dental evaluate a broken tooth?
Dr. Heim would first look at the tooth to verify which tooth has broken. Then we would take a periapical x-ray to determine how much of the tooth has broken and if the tooth is infected or not. We may also need to take a bitewing x-ray to determine if the tooth is restorable. Dr. Heim would do more tests inside of the mouth to help us determine what treatment would be best for the tooth. These additional tests include checking the health of the gums around the tooth, checking mobility, seeing how the nerve of the tooth is responding to cold, tapping on the tooth, and palpating the gums to check for possible infections. After completing our examination we would inform you of your treatment options and plan for the treatment of your preference.
What causes a tooth to break?
Various factors could come into play that cause a tooth to break. If there is a small amount of healthy tooth structure remaining from either having a large filling or a cavity, then there is a higher chance of the tooth to break. Cracks are also a major factor in teeth breaking. Cracks start out as small cracks but over time and with more chewing forces cracks can get larger. If you notice biting sensitivity or cold sensitivity on a tooth with a crack it is a sign that the tooth may break soon. If you are having symptoms of a cracked tooth, then Dr. Heim would recommend having a crown placed on the tooth before the tooth can break. Also, having a night guard would help slow down the growth of the crack.
This tooth has visible cracks and is on the verge of breaking. We protected the tooth with a crown before it could break.